Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Items bulit by moi, in uni, showing off slighty :D

This was my first work... a wheelie bin of doom... yes, it is of doom because it nearly cost me my place on this course because I couldn't do it to start with... bloody bin... I hate this soooo much....

The second was a house, which was actualy much easier, though it decided to insert polygons where I didn't want polygons and made me rush to finish it....

And now a tree... and this was in fact very easy, and I think I'm one of the first to finish it... makes a change...

Hehe, ok, showing off a little bit, but it does feel good to see that I can actually make things while having fun at the same time...


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you can make things and have fun, heaven knows it would be a long three years otherwise.

    The wheely bin of doom, oh it seems so easy when you look at it, just a small thing, not many shapes, how hard can it be?

