Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Bad, Bad Joey...

If buying things is bad, why does it make me happy?

I have now had my Nintendo Wii for a week, after not expecting to get it until March I had a lovely phone call while I was in work a week Saturday just gone, "Oh Hello Miss Lawrence, I'm just phoning to tell you that your Nintendo Wii has arrived and that you have 72 hours to pick it up."

I was almost late for work the next day because I went to get it before work...

And thank you to Nintendo Offical Magazine for the Decals that now grace my Wii and my Wiimote.

And that's not all I've bought console wise recently...

I'm sure you all remember Joey and friends struggling with a very large bag about a week into term? This would be because Joey - once the biggest hater of the Xbox series ever, has treated herself to an Xbox 360.

Bad, bad Joey...

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for the end of the Doorstop remarks!

    An Xbox 360 is a 300 quid bundle of love

