National Curriculum in Action is my victim tonight.
It's a website for teachers on how to spot creativity and promote it in pupils.
According to them
"A good starting point for defining creativity is 'All our futures: Creativity, culture and education', the National Advisory Committee's report (DfEE, 1999). This report states that we are all, or can be, creative to a lesser or greater degree if we are given the opportunity. The definition of creativity in the report (page 29) is broken down into four characteristics:
Is this all true?First, they [the characteristics of creativity] always involve thinking or behaving imaginatively. Second, overall this imaginative activity is purposeful: that is, it is directed to achieving an objective. Third, these processes must generate something original. Fourth, the outcome must be of value in relation to the objective."
The first is, as creativity cannot thrive without imagination, the second is mostly true, as sometimes creativity has no real purpose at the time, it can sometimes just be spontaneous, the third again is mostly true, as creativity has to have an inspiration somewhere and the fourth confuses me, because I thought that creativity didn't necessarily have a preordained objective, but then perhaps it's just me reading it wrong after my last day at work.
It seems to me, unless I am reading this website wrong, that they only want pupils to be creative if it relates to their work.
They don't seem to understand that creativity is good in all forms (unless it's creative bullying obviously) and to me, when they describe how to spot creativity, they seem to use a lot of the words my old school would use for describing trouble pupils they couldn't understand or often asked not to put their hand up.
But then should I really be surprised, as this is a 'National Curriculum' website and the National Curriculum is only really interested in getting you through your exams.
(I would like to point out at this point that most of the Teachers Guide for dealing with Creative Students, sorry promoting creativity, seems to restrict their actual creativity by dragging t kicking and screaming into an evaluated atmosphere again and again.)
I suppose I'm not giving this website a fair chance, considering I've been in work for nine hours and am always a little short tempered afterwards but...
I think back to the lecture on does Education restrict creativity and I think it does, more so after reading this website.
Then again, I might just be biased against the Education System up to this point so...
Anyway, sorry for missing 6 Days to Go and there will be a new one tomorrow,
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