Creativity Portal is a good place to start looking for stuff on creativity or creative things.
This extends from comics to creativity coaching.
Creativity Coaching is an attempt to get people to think more creatively and to help people to boost their creativity. Some advice from one of the many Creativity Coaches is things such as scheduling some time just for something that will boost your creativity, in other words a chance to relax or buying yourself something you like that could nurture creativity, buying a single flower and putting it in a glass, get into PJs early and relax in bed, design your own mugs and things by glueing beads and things on and so on and so forth.
There are hands on projects for Christmas, Halloween, Easter ect on another section on the site which could be fun to do with the Rainbows... I will explain that later. An example is which has winter gift tags.
Rainbows are the precursor to Brownies and Guides, and is for 5-7 year old girls, and run by the Guide Assoisation. Well tecnically, my local pack is run by my Mum and is the pack I went to when I was little. Our pack is about 12-15 girls big and has a waiting list of girls who have yet to reach 5. (For full details see
We are in an eviable position in the area.
However having this many girls for so long, you have to try to come up with different things every week to do with them, you can't just fob them off with the same arts and crafts again and again and again, so sites like this are very helpful at Christmas when we need a new craft for the last but one week, with the last week always being the Christmas Party (I'm going to miss it this year! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!)
Helping Mum run the pack is great, although most of the girls who were there before I came up here have left now :(
It's strange to go back for a weekend or the holidays only to find there are new Rainbows and I don't recognise half of them.
As a Young Leader (I'm old enough to be trained as a full Leader but don't have the time), I have to work with the Rainbows and help them in everything we do, make sure they don't get hurt and as the Leader's Daughter I have to help Mum come up with things to make with them.
It's not an easy job from week to week, we get shitty parents, girls who just WILL NOT behave at all, ever, and some weeks the other leaders can't come and the mums won't help and by the end of it we sometimes wonder why we've done it for so long.
My Mum has been Pack Leader since I was there, that's how much she loves it really.
I was offered a place in a pack up here, but since I struggle for time as it is, I turned it down.
Anyway, I've completely lost track of what the hell I was tlaking about so I'll stop here and say weeeeeeeeeee only 7 days to go.
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