How do explain magic and gifts to non believers?
To those who unless touched by magic at an early age lose all their gifts and magical skill.
How do you explain something like the Healer’s Touch? Or the Dreamwalker’s gift? Or the elements liking a person? Helping a person? Protecting a person?
How can you explain to a closed heart that things aren’t always what they seem?
That there are many things beyond the realm of that which is visible?
How do you explain to someone who has already decided that things are impossible, that nothing is impossible and everything is possible if you just look hard enough?
How can you explain the range of magickal skills, herb lore, crystal work, healing, protections, hex work, charm work, potions, every single type of magic has it’s own way of working, someone who specialises in Healing and Protection will work differently to someone who works with charms and hexes.
How do you convince those who have been brainwashed by TV and the Media that you can’t just make things happen there and then and that magic doesn’t always work like that?
How do you explain gifts? Dreamwalking, Telepathy, Empathy, Healer’s Touch, Seer’s Gift, and these gifts and more come in various strengths, someone with Seer’s might be able to see the future clearly but another might only have Instinctual Seer’s, the ability to always be able to follow their instincts and know it’s the right course of action.
How do you explain to people who don’t want to see these gifts as a part of nature, but as something to be fears and ridiculed?
You can’t.
At what age does a person’s mind close?
Someone once told me that the mind closed once you were an adult, but when are you an adult?
The law says 18, but I know a girl whose gifts are awakening only now and she’s only just getting used to them, she took in everything I said with only a few questions.
So no, 18 isn’t the point of cut off.
Does it vary for each human?
It must do, for those in my clases back home, who were media soaked idiots, cared nothing for the truth and saw those gifted or magickal talented students as weird and to be picked on and ridiculed, and yet they were fifteen, sixteen maxium when their minds closed, and yet I’ve known people well into their 80s who still have the belief in magic alive and well.
So what closes a person’s heart?
If I knew that I’d be able to tell you.
I have no idea, but something changes inside a person when their heart closes, it’s like a barrier to people, saying don’t even go there.
You’ll find that a lot of people who do not have some form of creative outlet have closed hearts.
I think a heart has to be open to be creative, because once it’s closed you don’t hear and feel evrything that’s around you. The world calls to you differnetly once your heart closes, you see things, hear things, feel things, but you don’t get the full picture, how can you draw plants and tree properly when you’re only seeing them like you would any other object, not as a living breathing plant that has it’s own nuances and colours and shades and textures, it’s own pulse and radiance?
How can you draw a person without being able to feel their aura, you capture their likeness on paper, but the drawing will never seem alive, it will always be a flat 2D picture. Nothing more.
You cannot capture the essence of something without tapping into what you can feel and sence from a thing, there’s a difference between drawing something that’s inanimate and a living being or plant or…
Try drawing a flower, any flower, it doesn’t matter what, and to start off with just draw what you see. Ignore what your heart and your body is telling you, but just look with your eyes alone.
Now try the same experiment, drawing what you see, but drawing what you see with your heart and mind and spirit sees as well as your eyes.
See the difference?
Thought you would.