Tuesday, 18 December 2007

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Here are the promised photos of our decorations. I don't feel they do the decorations justice but...

Anyway, a couple of stories might go up and I have drawing and 3D tutorials to do, so this is likely to be my last blog other then a few things like speed drawings and things, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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Saturday, 15 December 2007

Meow!!!!! A meowing Christmas present!

Meet Mischief, my mum's new kitten, isn't she sweet, awwwwww!

She was a Christmas Present to Mum because we lost a cat a couple of weeks ago.

She certainly lives up to her name and you can't leave anything lying aound because if it's food she'll eat it and if it's not it'll get bashed around the house. As you can see from the photo, if it hangs she wants to play with it, if it moves she wants to pounce on it.

Home for Christmas and the decorations are up, you can't see them well in this light but tomorrow I'll take photos and post them to show you how my house looks during the day. I'll get a good outside photo too.

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Thursday, 13 December 2007

This creativity blog has left me in despair! - End of Term Creativity Blog!

So, last official blog of 2007 and what am I supposed to say?

In this one, I’ve got to round up everything I’ve said and found out about creativity… oh dear… this could be a long one folks, everyone got their sunglasses on for when I bore you to death by droning?

I think I’ll start by commenting on Ben Mathis’s lecture on creativity, or rather a rather blunt and honest take on Ben’s view of the Gaming Industry.

1. He has a rather jaded view but gave an honest account into how art is done in the industry, that concept arts and 3D artists are normally not one and the same unless you’re in a very small group, and that, in his opinion, most Art Directors consider themselves Emperor of Art and like sticking their noses in where it isn’t needed.

He didn’t have that much planned to say because he was supposed to be talking about creativity in the industry and apparently only concept artists get to demonstrate that feature of themselves and the 3D Artists tend to get their creativity out on personal projects…

Like the one we’re working on now, a week project to create a character for a competition and we have to make it in 5000 polys for the model and infinite polys for assets (eg weapons, armour…).

I have plans, I have Photoshop paintings, what I lack is the speed or skill to keep up at that pace, something I plan on fixing over Christmas if I can help it. By the end of Christmas, I am hoping to have finished Sam and have both a Mudbox high poly model and a 3DSMax low poly model that’s textured and looks good.

OK, so, next part of the blog, game review.

2. If you know me, you’ll know just how excited I was about Pokemon Battle Revolution coming out.

It is brilliant, but they haven’t fixed the AI, as it gets to a certain point of the night and the AI decides that it’s had enough losing and sticks Pokemon in your path that you’ve never seen it use before, even if you’ve done this match before and pretty much rips you into tiny little shreds.

I like a challenge, especially in battle, but it gets a bit ridiculous at some points and I feel sorry for Emma and Ray who had to put up with me on Wednesday night as I cursed at it for cheating yet again.

The game itself runs smoothly and gets more and more challenging as it goes on, but there is the cheating factor again and people online do not like losing if they use Ubers or Legendaries. It seems to be polite to share your friend pass with Trainers that you have a good battle with but those with Ubers that I’ve beaten don’t seem to like losing as they don’t do so.

Anyway, in summery, I quote Nintendo Official Magazine from a few years ago – “Nintendo maintain that their games never cheat, we however are not so sure.”

4. Creativity summery.

Wait, what happened to three?

Never mind, I have to get this finished.

Creativity is a wide subject that stretches right across the board, from painting and drawing, to writing and maths. It is not something that can be defined easily and as such it has been something I’ve researched heavily (or attempted to), and have formed opinions about over the course of the last few months. Most of the research has in fact been a major part of my Countdown to Battle blogs that have been going on since the end of November as I counted down until Pokemon Battle Revolution came out.

We were started on creativity by watching a ten minute lecture given by Sir Ken Robertson, discussing if creativity is educated out of people by the school system.

He said yes, and I agreed, having gone through the education system myself and wanting to give it a boot to the head… preferably an ice skating boot… with the blade guard off… anyway, once again I am getting off track.

This led me to think about me and my friends and the various ways that they are creative, I have my Fanfiction, another has their music, another is creative with numbers, none of us use creativity the same way as even when we’re using it for the same things the end product is very different… see Joey Taylor, Robin Moto and Ray Venn Hakubi.

Creativity, I decided, was also drowned in people who were stuck in a dead end, unfulfilling job, as they cannot think properly after an overly busy day and as they’re doing the same thing day in, day out, the creative juices had no spark to get them flowing.

Through my research, I discovered that schools and the education system, seems to view creativity as something that has to be focused into classes and homework and is useless if it’s not increasing the child in question’s grade. There are websites on creativity, on how to make creative things and there’s even a site that gives names and contact details of ‘Creativity Coaches.’

Yes, you read that right.

Creativity Coaches.

Coaches to make people creative.

I have no idea how that works, and in fact I’m not sure I want one considering I’ve always considered coaches to be quite scary people, with the shouting and the screaming and the… unless they mean an actual coach… Ra damn it not again.

Then I found it, the point to highlight just how bad the education system is for creative people. A website, for teachers on how to ‘deal’ with Creativity and creative students, describing creativity as a good thing if it relates to the lesson and a bad thing if it doesn’t and offering advice on how to restrict creativity to lessons only.

This is a very, very bad thing and underscores just how bad the education system has gotten.

Comparing education websites with other websites, like craft ones and such, creativity is considered both the work of the devil and glory from on high.

I suppose that in conclusion, creativity is a great thing, terrible, but great (sorry couldn’t resist, blame Olivander), in the education system being a creative person is something that you will have to fight to hold onto, as teachers will try to fight with you every step of the way to keep your creativity locked in their subject, which isn’t how it works at all and they need a… you know… while outside the system, creativity is a bonus as there are so many things that a creative person can do to keep their creativity going, dancing, singing, drawing, painting, writing, making schools explode, no wait I didn’t say that, joke I swear.

Welcome in universities, Girl Guide Groups and most of life, it’s unwelcome in the education system and dead end jobs.

And that, I think, is that.

A difficult choice of topic, a strange one to summarise, but an interesting one.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all, and to all… A BOOT TO THE HEAD!

*Runs away*


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Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Countdown to Battle - 1 Day to Go!

A slightly different Boot to the Head...

OK, I think that tonight I am going to be very boring and just write about what I have read on Wikipedia about creativity.

This would be because of a combination of ow my leg hurts and gah I can't think of anything to say and I want to save any interesting stuff I think of for tomorrow's blog.


Creativity (or "creativeness") is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.

From a scientific point of view, the products of creative thought (sometimes referred to as divergent thought) are usually considered to have both originality and appropriateness. An alternative, more everyday conception of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something new. - Wikipedia

(I found a problem with writing about Wikipedia already...use English Ra damn you! Not everyone can understand technobable!)

I know, I know, I know!

I'll write about what it says about social attitudes to creativity!

Although the benefits of creativity to society as a whole have been noted,[52] social attitudes about this topic remain divided. The wealth of literature regarding the development of creativity[53] and the profusion of creativity techniques indicate wide acceptance, at least among academics, that creativity is desirable.

There is, however, a dark side to creativity, in that it represents a "quest for a radical autonomy apart from the constraints of social responsibility".
[54] In other words, by encouraging creativity we are encouraging a departure from society's existing norms and values. Expectation of conformity runs contrary to the spirit of creativity. Nevertheless, employers are increasingly valuing creative skills. A report by the Business Council of Australia, for example, has called for a higher level of creativity in graduates.[55] The ability to "think outside the box" is highly sought after. However, the above-mentioned paradox may well imply that firms pay lipservice to thinking outside the box while maintaining traditional, hierarchical organization structures in which individual creativity is not rewarded.

IN ENGLISH - Society says that creativity is a good thing to a creative persons face then laughs about it behind their backs. Firms are supposed to encourage creativity but don't so they don't have staff members thinking creativity about what they're supposed to be doing and wondering why the hell they're either stuck in a job like this or find a way of doing things that messes with the status quo.

Creativity is desirable in Universities most of the time but they're wrong in saying it's well come in all academics because most schools are only interested in grades....

I'm beginning to get the feeling that creativity is found in people who like causing trouble and being different because that seems to be how every site I've come across terms it as 'breaking the mold' and 'free from constraints of society'...

Well, I only have one more blog to put up before Battle Revolution comes out, and that will be on the conference I've got to go to tomorrow morning...

I'll see you all either tomorrow or next week,



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Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Countdown to Battle - 2 Days to Go

Wow, where are the days going?

Friday soon and then... :D

Ok, yes, it's another Pheonix Wright Movie, but this one links back to one I put on here as few weeks ago...

Ok, insanity over as I try not to bounce all over the place, let the work commence...

I thought I'd try a change of pace today and go over the creative toys on the Mulberry Bush website.

All of the toys listed on this page are good for promoting creativity in children as they are all craft and design related toys, for example the badge art or the bead boxes, even the remote control cars are build it yourself kits, which I think is really clever as it gets children to think as they're making things and gets them to do hands on things that stimulates the brain.

Hmmm, I wonder where and when they deliver...

No, no distractions...

Anyway, it has toys for both girls and boys and have stuff that appeals to both and it's almost all things that (in the girly things at least) I'd consider doing with the Rainbows if the parts are safe for them to handle, or think the girls could handle with their parents.

And that's a good thing, because it means getting the girls to think creatively while they're still 5-7 and expanding their view of the world.

(This is one of the reasons I love Rainbows, they're such fun to make things with, although I swear when we do anything chocolaty or sweet covered they end up with more in their mouths...)

Anyway, just a little one today...

And a battle vid, I personally feel that using that many ubers or legendary Pokemon on a team is a cheap tactic, but he or she was only playing the CPU so it doesn't matter...

Anyway, g'night and see you in the morning,


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Monday, 3 December 2007

Countdown to Battle - 3 Days to Go

Have a video to get us started today...

Right, now that's out of the way (Thank Emma's fiance for that vid), lets get down to business.

Creativity: Method or Magic is my next victim.

This site is basically an essay on Creativity.

Hense I won't go into too much detail because it's written in goobledegook (Essay technobable).
It tries to sum up creativity by saying, what isn't creative, whether it's a trait or a state and by trying to explain how it works.

For example it talks about problem solving and that creativity isn't achievable if 'anything goes' as the creative mind doesn't have to come up with that hard a solution.

Creativity is also said to be shown in improvisation and performance, as creativity has to occur for it to flow and for a performance to work well, you can't just copy a script if you're doing a play, or learn the words if you're singing, you have to be able to show emotions, think on your feet if something goes wrong...

Have you ever seen the last few days of a pantomime?

If you haven't you have missed some of the most creative stuff...

Because Bristol is often the last stop on a panto's tour, by the last few days the actors are tired and sometimes fed up, and you can see it when they mess up their script and then try to cover it by continuing as if nothing has happened, it's brilliant, especially if it's the last day because they will often come out with something completely unrelated and they have to creatively get back to the script.

*Shakes head* Distracted again but so I can see where how it could say performance is creative...

But if I'm brutally honest, I'm no good with essays so I made a mistake choosing this website and I'm now going to run away, far away!


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Saturday, 1 December 2007

Countdown to Battle - 5 Days to Go

I will apologize now for skipping day 6, but I was in bed all day ill, so I have a reason.

National Curriculum in Action is my victim tonight.

It's a website for teachers on how to spot creativity and promote it in pupils.

According to them

"A good starting point for defining creativity is 'All our futures: Creativity, culture and education', the National Advisory Committee's report (DfEE, 1999). This report states that we are all, or can be, creative to a lesser or greater degree if we are given the opportunity. The definition of creativity in the report (page 29) is broken down into four characteristics:

First, they [the characteristics of creativity] always involve thinking or behaving imaginatively. Second, overall this imaginative activity is purposeful: that is, it is directed to achieving an objective. Third, these processes must generate something original. Fourth, the outcome must be of value in relation to the objective."

Is this all true?

The first is, as creativity cannot thrive without imagination, the second is mostly true, as sometimes creativity has no real purpose at the time, it can sometimes just be spontaneous, the third again is mostly true, as creativity has to have an inspiration somewhere and the fourth confuses me, because I thought that creativity didn't necessarily have a preordained objective, but then perhaps it's just me reading it wrong after my last day at work.

It seems to me, unless I am reading this website wrong, that they only want pupils to be creative if it relates to their work.

They don't seem to understand that creativity is good in all forms (unless it's creative bullying obviously) and to me, when they describe how to spot creativity, they seem to use a lot of the words my old school would use for describing trouble pupils they couldn't understand or often asked not to put their hand up.

But then should I really be surprised, as this is a 'National Curriculum' website and the National Curriculum is only really interested in getting you through your exams.

(I would like to point out at this point that most of the Teachers Guide for dealing with Creative Students, sorry promoting creativity, seems to restrict their actual creativity by dragging t kicking and screaming into an evaluated atmosphere again and again.)

I suppose I'm not giving this website a fair chance, considering I've been in work for nine hours and am always a little short tempered afterwards but...

I think back to the lecture on does Education restrict creativity and I think it does, more so after reading this website.

Then again, I might just be biased against the Education System up to this point so...

Anyway, sorry for missing 6 Days to Go and there will be a new one tomorrow,


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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Countdown to Battle - 8 Days to Go and 7 Days to Go


OK, time to give this website a second shot.
Creativity Portal is a good place to start looking for stuff on creativity or creative things.

This extends from comics to creativity coaching.

Creativity Coaching is an attempt to get people to think more creatively and to help people to boost their creativity. Some advice from one of the many Creativity Coaches is things such as scheduling some time just for something that will boost your creativity, in other words a chance to relax or buying yourself something you like that could nurture creativity, buying a single flower and putting it in a glass, get into PJs early and relax in bed, design your own mugs and things by glueing beads and things on and so on and so forth.

There are hands on projects for Christmas, Halloween, Easter ect on another section on the site which could be fun to do with the Rainbows... I will explain that later. An example is http://kids.creativity-portal.com/free/winter.printables.shtml which has winter gift tags.

Rainbows are the precursor to Brownies and Guides, and is for 5-7 year old girls, and run by the Guide Assoisation. Well tecnically, my local pack is run by my Mum and is the pack I went to when I was little. Our pack is about 12-15 girls big and has a waiting list of girls who have yet to reach 5. (For full details see http://www.girlguiding.org.uk/whoweare/Default.asp)

We are in an eviable position in the area.

However having this many girls for so long, you have to try to come up with different things every week to do with them, you can't just fob them off with the same arts and crafts again and again and again, so sites like this are very helpful at Christmas when we need a new craft for the last but one week, with the last week always being the Christmas Party (I'm going to miss it this year! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!)

Helping Mum run the pack is great, although most of the girls who were there before I came up here have left now :(

It's strange to go back for a weekend or the holidays only to find there are new Rainbows and I don't recognise half of them.
As a Young Leader (I'm old enough to be trained as a full Leader but don't have the time), I have to work with the Rainbows and help them in everything we do, make sure they don't get hurt and as the Leader's Daughter I have to help Mum come up with things to make with them.

It's not an easy job from week to week, we get shitty parents, girls who just WILL NOT behave at all, ever, and some weeks the other leaders can't come and the mums won't help and by the end of it we sometimes wonder why we've done it for so long.

My Mum has been Pack Leader since I was there, that's how much she loves it really.

I was offered a place in a pack up here, but since I struggle for time as it is, I turned it down.

Anyway, I've completely lost track of what the hell I was tlaking about so I'll stop here and say weeeeeeeeeee only 7 days to go.

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Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Countdown to Battle - 9 Days to go

BTW the countdown if for this---

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Countdown to Battle - 9 Days to Go.

Nine days to go and today I will do something useful...

Today I will blog about this website... http://www.creativity-portal.com/

Creativity Portal is a website that talks about creativity in more then just one form and gives teachers ideas to use in thier classrooms.

Ummm, ran out of time to blog because I was procrastinating so have another vid...

Another Omake from Amecon last year and I will blog properly tomorrow. I will.

Duellist Honour.


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Monday, 26 November 2007

Countdown to Battle - 13, 12, 11, 10 oops.

Wow, it took me all of a day to forget to blog.

To be fair I've been so busy of over the last few days that I just havenm't had time to blog.


Since I'm waiting for a friend, I'm going to sit here and rant about stupid Ra damned estate agents who don't give people a chance to find someone else to live with them next year and decide that they want to show people round without actually warning you because they are complete and utter B******DS!

F******G idiots, I need that B****Y house for next year and I'm going to find someone to share with me and I've tried everyone in second year now and have started asking the first years and I might be in luck but if I'm not fast then I'm not going to have anywhere to stay next year and then I'm going to kill someone.

Namely the bloody idiot who decided that now would be a good time to start looking for people for the houses when most people don't start looking until after Christmas.

They are F*****G Idiots and I hate them all.



Ok, I feel better now.



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Thursday, 22 November 2007

Countdown to Battle - 14 Days To Go

This is the start of my one blog a day countdown until Pokemon Battle Revolution comes out.

For anyone who has followed my blog, you all know how much I want this game and how much I've been blogging about it, it's even gone in my blog's signature.

So... 14 days to go.

Before I get too serious have a vid,


Ok, back to getting on with it.


Creativity is a rather broad subject and I find that everytime I start on research I get so far before I find something interesting and go off on completely the wrong angle.

Is this a creative way of researching or am I just procrastinating? Even I don't know.

Creativity covered a lot of things, music, art, writting, games, modelling, photography and it's even in there with numbers and science wouldn't get anywhere if people didn't try new things.

Where would we be without the wheel?

The fact of the matter is that it comes from the root creatus, which in latin means to have grown, and I really do think that creativity has been expanded to the point where it is hard to pin down.

I have a fun thing to do, go to this site, http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=creativity&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8&rd=r1, and have a look at some of the things here.

It is a fudgeing long list, with all sorts, from the wikipedia page on Creativity, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativityto a shop in Sheringham called Creativity. http://www.creativity-sheringham.co.uk/.

This one looked good, http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content2/Creativity_in_kids.html, so I think, since I'm planning a countdown, I'll choose to talk about this one today.

The term "gifted" is often used to imply high intelligence. I would say that I have to agree, thinking back to the gifted and talented program back in my Senior School, which started in my year nine or ten, where those of us with a chance of doing something with thier lives (Sorry. Not...) were taken out of school and shown around universities, mostly the local ones that us going to had benifits for our school, but it was still interesting to see what a University Campus was like and talk to some of the students to see what Uni life is like.

If I remember rightly, the 'Gifted' students were those with high grades in Maths, English, Science, French and all the acedmic subjects, while the 'Talented' ones were the ones who were skilled in the non-acedemic subjects like Music, Art and Drama.

The first time we had a meeting we were given little stickers that were either yellow, red or both. Red for Gifted, Yellow for Talented or both for, well, both.

Being a red sticker girl myself, I found a distrubing amount of red stickers had no real head for anything remotly creative, prefering either to stick thier noses in books, or go out and play football (I suppose football is creative but most of the time they put that creativity into creative ways to dive, which was incredibly annoying), and as such I spent a great deal of my time on trips with yellow sticker people, just because most of my friends were in that group and they had more interesting things to talk about...

Oh Ra, I'm getting distracted again.

Anyway so, I agree with the website on this point.

It's not a long report and I happen to agree with most of what they are saying, including the 'right answer fixation' thing. From a young age you can't be creative with answers because the teachers expect the right answer every time and get angry if you get it wrong.

This is all because of the rediculously early age that tests start, meaning that for a school to do well , they have to be turning out right answer monkeys without a thought of creativite answering in thier head.

This is reinforced by the amount of testing that children of forced into, has everyone heard of the SATs they give at the end of Infant School? I jest you not. That is how bad the school system has gotten.

Ranting. calm... calm... get one with work...

Anyway, I like their list of things that adult can do at home to increase creativity, since creativity is all but squished out of children at school.

Infants is bad, Junior School is worse because they have SATs at the end of year six and most of thier art lessons (or at least in the school I came from) are overly structured and not really creative. Senior School/High School is probably the worst though seeing as they teach you creative subjects, but unless you have a good teacher (Thank you Mr Hulbert), you want to tear your hair out by the end of year eleven.

So a list like this is helpful,

How Can Adults Encourage Creativity?

Provide an environment that allows the child to explore and play without undue restraints.

Adapt to children's ideas rather than trying to structure the child's ideas to fit the adult's.

Accept unusual ideas from children by suspending judgement of children's divergent problem-solving.

Use creative problem-solving in all parts of the curriculum. Use the problems that naturally occur in everyday life.

Allow time for the child to explore all possibilities, moving from popular to more original ideas.

Emphasize process rather than product.

Am I the only one who sees that these could be used in the education system to great effect?

Anyway, for now, this will do.

An epic blog to kick off my Countdown to Battle.


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Monday, 12 November 2007

I'm sorry, the lights are home but there's nobody on

Yes, I did in fact say that to a customer on Sunday, while trying to wake up enough to work.

Note to everyone, I will be leaving work offically on the 1st of December.

This will give me enough time to do some Ra Damned work.

I will write a serious blog when I get home.

But for now, I have nothing to say because all my mind wants to do is curl up in a ball and sleep.

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Thursday, 8 November 2007

Muahahaha Anime.

Yes I know.

We're not supposed to talk about anime and manga, however I have to say this one tiny little thing....




But I'm excited.

And slightly terrified since that means I can no longer procrastinate about getting the cosplay sorted for next year...

So while I run around like a headless chicken, here's the short movie created for last year's Amecon which was done by MakenaiTeam.

Yes, I am aware it's random and yes I do think it's funny.


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It arrived!!!!

It have arrived and it is mine. Muahahahahahaha!
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Sunday, 4 November 2007

BTW - Ebay is evil

And to be avoided at all costs.

However, I managed to get some bargans.

Like this silver and gold plated necklace, which normaly retails at £100-£70 pound for £40

And I have a new Magician for my deck...

Anyway, that's enough for tonight...


BTW - I still want

7/12/07 hurry up.

I have to pray that with giving up work, I can afford this.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

How many Otaku does it take to open a door?

A little joke at my own expense, after the events of last Tuesday, when it took a rather large group of us to get the door open to get Emma out of the building because the Security Guard had locked the disabled doors... grrrr.

We finally got to watch the next episode of Genshiken too :D

Anyway, sat at home, watching Cold Case and doing uni work after having the tradtional family firework dispaly and then going to watch Stardust, and I thought I'd mention on here that the next time I go into work, I'm handing in my notice.

This is to allow me to do all my uni work without getting to the point I'm at at the moment which is that my brain would explode, but it doesn't have enough energy and it's only gong to LANMA that stops me from going from Nutcase -> Psycopath.

Anyway, enough of that, creativity.

Is creativity inbuilt or is it something that can be taught?

I've been doing a bit of research on the subject and creativity can be found in anything. Drawing, writting, sports tactics, game playing and many other things.

Understanding this, I kinda guess that almost everyone is creative in thier own way. For example skateboarder's tricks are creative, trying something new with things and in areas that have been around for ages, trying things that others wouldn't. A Duellist is creative in duels because you always have to be thinking on your feet in a match or you'd be beaten easily. Authors are creative becausethey're writting something new and inspired (most of the time) and an Artist is creative because they'e using paints and pens and crayons and anything else that they an lay thier hands on to create something that is slightly different everytime even when they're copying the works of for instance, Van Gogh.

Creativity is often drowned out of people who work 9-5 day in, day out, in officeswhere they're doing the same thing all the time. That's another reason I'm glad I'll be quitting work soon. I don'have time to unwind, so I can't get the creative juices flowing. I think I made life hard for the poor life model on Tuesday, because to help me unwind and just enjoy drawing, I had my music on and was miming the words, while bouncing around a little bit. I just enjoy music, especally from games...


Never mind, I just have to take photos of my sketch book and then I can uploadpics for my referances and things to the Wiki...

See u in the week,


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Monday, 29 October 2007

Sonic Joins The Brawl!!!!

The video I was trying to post a couple of wees ago.



Not that I'm excited at all...

Phoenix Wright - Boot to the Head

To the people of Second Year Game Art, I bequeth... A boot to the head!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

I'm the only one sane on the wreak - Week 2

Sorry, rip off from pantomime I went to see a couple of years ago, the line was I'm the only one saved from the wreak (or if you were the Dame, I'm the only wreak saved from the ship). Chosen as my title because I was the only sober one last night at the post-LANMA gathering at the pub.

The idea for the logo comes from something the guest lecturer was talking about, you remember? The suits of Gamers? Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades?

Hearts were social players, Clubs were PKers, Teamkillers and dipshits, Diamonds are the ones who play the game to win, whle the Spades are the game exploeres and sometimes (not nessesserily always), the ones who have to find ways of cheating and/or pushing the game to a new level to see what the can exploite.

Guess which two suits I belong to.

Also do you remember the phrase Aporia and Epiphany?

I love the face that Aporia means impass, and aporas, (which I made up and is my blog name) is Anne's page of running andd screaming....

Anyway, the task...

"Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts." - Wikipedia

Last week Mike showed us a lecture/speech/etc from Sir Ken Robertson on does creativity get educated out of us.


Suprisingly for a guy who works in education, his answer was in fact yes.

And I have to agree.

When we're in school, all teachers think about is the 'academic' classes, like Maths and English and the Sciences, Humanities, Languages and any other classes are volentary after SATS and you don't always get a choice which ones of those you want to do.

I remember being forced into taking French because I was in top set in the lower years and I really wanted to take Spanish.

And I remember my teachers being unimpressed by my choice to take ND Art and Design at college, they all thought I'd go into something like the sciences or geography.

But I chose Geography because for a long time I wanted to do Game Art as a career, but have a fall back on archeology (Preferably Egyptology). Something that fell apart later on down the line.
The only time in my school that art and music and drama was appricicated were the exhibitions, the school musicals, the Music Festival (Picked four out of five years and only not the fifth because I promised to do it with some others and wouldn't drop them to do it alone) but any other time, for you to go and skip an acedemic class to go to practise or rehearsls and well... can anyone else say shitty teacher alert?

The whole thing is, there are many forms of creativity.

I personally, am a big fan of singing and drawing. I can't dance to save my life but I love to sing, it doesn't matter where or when I am, I will sing along to anything. It's something that helps me think andrelax and just generally get things done better.

Others love to dance and can't stay still for more then two seconds, and instead of bing recognised as people who have to move to think, they're penalised and or sent to the doctor to be prescribed drugs...


Another thing is that creativity can be found in anything, I have friends who like the patterns in numbers, the written word is another one where creativity can flow.

I'm going back to music because it's a referance I know Mike and a couple of others have heard, but I've got a friend in America who is studying music in an American 'College'. Up until this point, she was always glared and shuted at for writting her own stuff, and she hated it, now she's able to play how and when she wants to, and she can't get enough. That's a classic example if ever I saw on, of creativity being drained from people.

I sometimes wonder if teachers in schools are jelous of students who are talented in a non acedemic field, because for those who aren't, a lot of work has to be done to keep up with the naturally talented students.

BTW I am now offical Podcaster for Game Art Guest Lectures. (Once I work out how to do it...) So I've spent most of the night converting the sound files from my recorder to MP3s, while reading and thinking about creativity. Gah.

Anyway, I'm sleepy and I don't have admin powers for the Podcast on the Blackboard so I'm going to have to work out where to put the files so I can podcast them.

But not until the morning when I've had some sleep.

Night guys.



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Thursday, 11 October 2007


This is what I was praying for, a chance to finally beat the bloody plumber with the hedgehog!
I am on cloud nine!

This is what I've been hoping for since I heard news of a new Smash Bros game since they include characters who have had more then one game for Nintendo systems and Sonic's been on the Gamecube and the Nintendo Wii.

Yes! Yes! YES!

Sorry, I'm just so excited that I can't help it.

Sonic's in Smash Bros.

I can't wait.

Now I know why Nintendo are taking so long to release it.

They're adding more charactors in.

And Sonic's one of them.
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Wednesday, 10 October 2007

All Alex's Interwebs Are Belong To Me

All Alex's Interwebs are belong to me!


I'm sat in my housemates room, writting this blog while under the influance of cider. I underestimated the potancy of the Old Rosie Cider that they served at the bar I went to after LANMA.

Leicester Anime and Manga Club is held in Leicester University in the theatres of one of the buildings.

We watched two animes, (subbed not dubbed) then had a half an hour break and then watch two that were voted for by the group. (Gunsling Cats, Ruin Explorers and then a break and then Rental Magica and Genshiken).

In the half an hour break, me and others watched as the guy in charge of the laptop made an idiot of himself attempting to play a ROM of a Neon Genisis Evangelion game from the N64.

I would like to point out that he sucked at it.

Also beware the lights that come on between episodes of animes. Because if you are caught unawares, you become one of the enmass group that goes "AHHH MY EYES!" as the room's lights come back on.

After the anime, we went to the pub and I underestimated the strength of the cider.

And now I'm here, writing this while pissed.

So I'll leave you here and think about going to bed.


PS Everything in the world needs more Catgirls.
PPS Everything in the world needs ALOT MORE catgirls.

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Monday, 8 October 2007


Why is this year so expensive?

Last week I broke my Nintendo DS and had to replace it (Yes, I did have to, I am lost without a DS), so I now have Pink DS Lite (Like people who know me didn't see that coming), and this week I've just forked out £315 pounds for a graphics tablet.

It's a Wacom Intuos3 A4 Tablet with Pen and Mouse and hopefully once I get used to it, I will be able to use it to do some proper computer art as opposed to trying to create pictures with a trackerball mouse which is what I'm using at the moment.


I want to win the lottery on Weds, and then money won't matter.


P.S. Before everything went wrong, I didn't win the Clow Cards I was winning in the auction, but I found a set that was in fact cheaper, and new that I brought instead.

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Friday, 5 October 2007

I still want! I still want! I still want! I still want!

I still want!

But now I actually have it preordered for 7/12/07.

I will get this Ra damned game!

Some people ask why I want it so much and part of it is because I am a great big Pokenerd.

The other part is that I am interested to see how they have modified the old poly models to suit the new consoles. Somehow I don't see the old N64 or Gamecube models fitting well into the Wii and it's possible level of realism.

Plus, having the new Pokemon to stare and drool at, I can't wait to see if they make the mistake they did with the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Pokemon which was to over simplfy the models, making them look overly cartoonish compaired to Red/Blue/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal.

Ok, about 70-80% of my rather powerful desire to own this game is that I'm a great big Pokenerd and want to see what they've done with the battles and how the internet battles will work.

Also I can't wait to start winning battles so that I can customise the basic Traier you get, clothes, hair, name :)

Set in "Poketopia," this game promises to return to the days of Stadium 1 and 2, which while some games mags think is a bad idea, I welcome it, as while I enjoyed Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, both for the Gamecube) the story modes would have been better had they not attempted to put a lame battle mode in on the same disc. I would welcome a new 3D Pokemon Adventure, but not if it ws at the expense of the gameplay of one or both modes.

Pokemon isn't a Children's game, at least not always. If you look at the stratagy, planning and thinking that needs to go into a Pokemon battle. A good Trainer will NEVER go into battle with only one type of Pokemon. It's stupid to say the least as even the strongest of the types have at least one weakness.

Plus, a dual type pokemon like say Charizard (Fire/Flying) or Dialga (Steel/Dragon) will have more advantages and disadvantages then a single type pokemon, e.g. Charmander (Fire) or Pikachu (Thunder), as such, while a team with a lot of Dual Types will hav an advantage over one without a lot, if you're not caeful it is possible to load your team with a disadvantage to a particular type. For example, if you have many Ground/Rock/Dragon/Grass types, your team will hve a disdvnatage to Ice and etc.

Plus, on top of the types, you have to think about your pokemon's stats. If a Pokemon has a higher attack, the Speical Attack, then you'd give it mores that were Physical Attack moves like Dragon Claw instead of Speical Attack moves like say, Ice Beam.

Added on that again, you have the moves that effect your pokemon's status, eg sleep, paralisis, poison etc.

And your pokemon's gender is also important is your pokemon's ability is Rivalry or the opponante knows Attract...

The stratagy behind the game, is the main reason I am still addicted to the game over ten years later, a long way from the days of Red/Blue/Yellow and the Indigo League.

Anyway, I guess I've gone off on one long enough.

I just thought I'd clarify why I'm so Pokemad.



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