Wednesday, 4 October 2006

Week 1 - Blogging.... A girl gamer's first blog

Well, I've just finished the last lesson of my first week at DMU, if you don't count fresher's week, and I have to say, at this point of time I'd quite like to run away screaming. I've seen the level of work we're going to be expected to produce at the end of this course, and I've seen everyone else’s drawing skills and I have a horrible urge to run, run away... but come back before class next Tuesday, because I refuse to let this chance go to waste.

I think it's probably going to be a long three years, because we have a LOT to learn if we're to get to that standard, and I dare say most of us will, but I'm seriously going to have to work on my drawing to catch up with some of the others, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! However, no matter how much work I’ll have to do, I’m looking forward to it, because I’ve wanted to take a course like this for what seems like ever.

I wonder how much I should put about myself… One thing I will say is that while my name is Anne, I do prefer my nickname to my real name, so I’ve introduced myself to people by said nickname, so most of the class already know me as Joey.

I’m a complete game’s freak, I love RPGs and Action games, especially from the Fantasy genre, like Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, though games like Tomb Raider are great too, and Sonic the Hedgehog rules over all. I’ve bought a few new games since I’ve been here and Kingdom Hearts 2 is amazing, I was talking about it with some classmates and decided that I play games way too much, I only got it Friday and already I have a playtime of 37 hours and 43 minutes, it’s because my internet went down over the weekend and I ended up playing it while my flatmates got internet withdrawal. Plus side, now that I’m getting work to do for my courses I should be able to resist the call of the game better…

Anyway that’s all I have to say at the moment… Next blog in, uhhhh, next time I have something to say, or there’s a task.

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