Over the last three weeks, in Chris’s classes we have been doing a project a week. These are enjoyable but I feel that there are things that I like and things that I will want to do more on until I am happy with them, especally as these will be handed in for Summative Assessment.
The first week was on Exteriors, and I went, with a whole bunch of others, to the church nearby to take photos, draw sketches and generally look at shape and form of the building. I liked the arches and peaks of the church. It’s obviously old as bricks are worn and parts look like they’ve fallen off of the statues, but that’s what makes the building interesting.
For my digital pictures, I took photos of the area while I was there and took colours from those to attempt to get the colour and the feel right, however, I feel I have only succeeded in one of the pictures as the others feel too bright or the colours aren’t quite right.
I quite like the window picture I did, which was from a photo I took inside the church. It’s colours aren’t exactly right but the way it’s done means you can tell when it is and how it fits in.
I also like the spire picture for it’s detail and for the fact that the sky looks more like the sky did on that day and the colours fit together better.
Last week we had Land, Air, Sea, Yacht as our brief and for some incredibly annoying reason I had the image of a flying ship stuck in my head. I didn’t want to do a futuristic ship like the others (all the ones I saw looked more like fighter ships then yachts), so I went for a more tradional ship, the sort I’d see in the harbor in Bristol when I go home.
This led me to wondering about how it would fly, and Slaney suggested that I shaped it like a vicking longboat which is shaped like an arrow and can reach any speed provided that enough thrust is provided. This decided, I gave it a protective cover, so people can come up on the top deck without getting blown off the ship as it moves at high speeds through fast winds, and so they’re protected from the sun.
I quite like the ship idea, even though it’s a little impractical and sticking two huge engines on a boat wouldn’t make it fly. I tried to get the 2 point perspective right on the ship and I think I was mostly successful, although the patter on the ship isn’t quite right and the back of the ship could be done a little more accuratly.
This week we have to design our own bar and I wanted to look at bars in town before I got going on this project, so I haven’t got much done yet. However, I like the idea of a gaming bar and have used the contrasting colours from characters to make the bar feel bright and airy, and as I work on it more, I will add the tables and chairs and consoles etc, so that it feels like more then just an empty space.
I don’t want it to be one of those bars where no one goes because they enjoy going there, they just go if they’re dragged there. I’m hoping that once it’s finished it will look comfortable and like it’s a pleasure to go there.
Anyway, so that’s what I’ve been working on and thinking about for the last few weeks with the drawing work.
(P.S. My bar is called Brawl)
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