Thursday, 28 August 2008

Convention League

I suppose that I'd better explain about the Gym Leader thing.

I'm a Anime Convention goer and I ran the Amecon 2008 Pokemon Tournament.

After which we came up with a silly idea of Gym Leaders and the Convention League.

Now we have plans, badges, teams, and I'm the Dragon Gym Leader... but I'm still training my team.

So here's my details... for those who are interested.

Keaira - Dragon Types - Ryuuza Badge

Ha, I am Keaira, the Dragon Gym Leader of the Convention League, challenge me and attempt to win a Ryuuza Badge!
Down to last pokemon; “It's not over yet…”
Challenger wins; “So you did have the power to knock me out of the sky, fine take the Ryuuza Badge and good luck.”
Challenger loses;“Humph, dragon fodder, come back when you're stronger.”


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Monday, 14 April 2008

A few thoughts as the year comes to a close.

So it’s practically the end of the year and what do I have to say?

Suprisingly little.

Once again I’m convinced that my work is done well and that what I haven’t done by the end of this week is things that I’ll just have to let go, but then it’s the same every year, no matter whether it’s school, college or uni, and at least this year I won’t be running around like a headless chicken during the last week (I did that last week).

However, I’m not certain about how high my grades will be. After all, I’ve improved quite a bit (no modesty here for work I’m really quite proud of), but so has everyone else. I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere and yet I’m still trailing the pack.

I’ve really enjoyed the work, the one day projects are a challenge and I only failed to get one finished but I made up for it by doing two models one week. The drawing work has been challenging but I feel I have improved, and my blogging has fallen by the wayside a bit as I haven’t had much to say about the work before it’s finished.

It’s challenging, to crit your own work, and I think that sometimes I can be a bit over generous towards it, after all I’d like to think I was improving a lot, but if I compare my work to others, I can still see there are areas where I can improve and I think that’s the point of all of this.

Hopefully by the end of next year I’ll be more confident and happy in my work.
I’ve noticed something interesting though, all my decent work has been done while I’ve music in the background, even now I’ve got the Smash Bros Brawl OST playing in my ears.

I want that game!!!!!!

Sorry, I will not let it desolve into the same situation we had with Pokemon Battle Revolution.

Anyway, getting off the track as per usual.

I think my point is that this year started off hard and it wasn’t until we had Ben Mathis here, and then Heather, that I saw any real improvement on the standard and speed of my 3d models and I feel that while my drawing work has improved I have a ways to go still.

I freely admit this and will be working on my drawing and modelling over the summer, harder then I did last year and hopefully will come back to uni ready and raring to go, unlike after the Easter Holidays, where I worked so much to get some extra money for uni that I actually came back more tired then when I left.

But then I have more fun to go over the Summer then I did over the Easter, even if I work my butt off. I’ve got this year’s Amecon and my precious Pokemon Tournament, and a week down in Dawlish Warren. I didn’t get to go away very much last year so it’s nice to have a holiday as well as Amecon.

Where did my track go?

I’ve lost it again.
Anyway, suffice to say there will probably be more blogs to come by the summer, but I’m not sure how many more of them will be course related.



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Tuesday, 11 March 2008

More critical thinking on my work.

Over the last three weeks, in Chris’s classes we have been doing a project a week. These are enjoyable but I feel that there are things that I like and things that I will want to do more on until I am happy with them, especally as these will be handed in for Summative Assessment.
The first week was on Exteriors, and I went, with a whole bunch of others, to the church nearby to take photos, draw sketches and generally look at shape and form of the building. I liked the arches and peaks of the church. It’s obviously old as bricks are worn and parts look like they’ve fallen off of the statues, but that’s what makes the building interesting.

For my digital pictures, I took photos of the area while I was there and took colours from those to attempt to get the colour and the feel right, however, I feel I have only succeeded in one of the pictures as the others feel too bright or the colours aren’t quite right.

I quite like the window picture I did, which was from a photo I took inside the church. It’s colours aren’t exactly right but the way it’s done means you can tell when it is and how it fits in.

I also like the spire picture for it’s detail and for the fact that the sky looks more like the sky did on that day and the colours fit together better.

Last week we had Land, Air, Sea, Yacht as our brief and for some incredibly annoying reason I had the image of a flying ship stuck in my head. I didn’t want to do a futuristic ship like the others (all the ones I saw looked more like fighter ships then yachts), so I went for a more tradional ship, the sort I’d see in the harbor in Bristol when I go home.

This led me to wondering about how it would fly, and Slaney suggested that I shaped it like a vicking longboat which is shaped like an arrow and can reach any speed provided that enough thrust is provided. This decided, I gave it a protective cover, so people can come up on the top deck without getting blown off the ship as it moves at high speeds through fast winds, and so they’re protected from the sun.

I quite like the ship idea, even though it’s a little impractical and sticking two huge engines on a boat wouldn’t make it fly. I tried to get the 2 point perspective right on the ship and I think I was mostly successful, although the patter on the ship isn’t quite right and the back of the ship could be done a little more accuratly.

This week we have to design our own bar and I wanted to look at bars in town before I got going on this project, so I haven’t got much done yet. However, I like the idea of a gaming bar and have used the contrasting colours from characters to make the bar feel bright and airy, and as I work on it more, I will add the tables and chairs and consoles etc, so that it feels like more then just an empty space.

I don’t want it to be one of those bars where no one goes because they enjoy going there, they just go if they’re dragged there. I’m hoping that once it’s finished it will look comfortable and like it’s a pleasure to go there.
Anyway, so that’s what I’ve been working on and thinking about for the last few weeks with the drawing work.


(P.S. My bar is called Brawl)


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Tuesday, 4 March 2008

A bit critical of my 3D work

It’s been a while since I posted anything course related, so I’d better make up for it now.

So, here comes one UBER BLOG.

We have to be critical of work, both by ourselves and by others, and as such I think I’ll start with my own.

Starting with my one day projects.

Each one of these I feel has gone reasonable well, however there are flaws with all of them.

The animal project was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed doing it, except when it came to texturing the head. As you can probably tell if you ever get to look at the mesh, I had so much ‘fun’ with texturing the head that I actually cheated and need to re texture it because it currently doesn’t have eyes, mouth or nose, however, in an improvement on my self portrait models, it does have a head shaped head unlike one hat had a flat face and the other that I hadn’t gotten round to doing the head at all, as I was busy making the shape right.

The on the vehicle project, I wanted to do a simple model that I could just play around with the textures on and Heather was bored of tanks so I decided to play around with blimps. I ended up doing two variations with plenty more I could do if I wanted to, and it’s rendered onto a sky picture to make them look like they’re flying.

The wheelchair again was pretty easy, and while I’m in the process of re texturing using alphas and things, it was a fun and challenging thing to make, however, I’m unhappy with the squareness of the sides and the lack of correct textures, it’s a little too box like for my liking, but it was still fun to make and I think that I can improve on it by playing around with the polys and things.

The carnivorous plant project was a laugh, creating our own Triffids :D Mine went through about four or five stages, and I thought I was done after every one of them. The first stage was just the stem and the head, with it’s one eye and toothless mouth, then Heather suggested putting the back leaves on and I think they look pretty effective, with the black and green texture. The next stage, of course, was to add the teeth, big, sharp pointy teeth for easily cutting into meat and then finally the little roots, which are alphaed onto plains which are then shaped to fit the huge roots it uses for walking.

Since then I have made a Pegasus, as a Greek Mythical creature, which I’m unhappy with for many reasons, least of all being that it doesn’t look like it should and a item of garden furniture, for which I decided to a bird bath and texture it so it looks marble, and this I’m very happy with because it looks like it should and the textures work like a charm.

I’m reasonably happy with my 2d work too. While I am slowly improving, I feel I will be able to do a lot better then I can currently by the end of next year.

The 2d day long projects we’re doing a fun and they are helpful because they allow us to work on something other then the (insert swear word here) Queen’s Building Project that I’ve done the work I was asked to do for, but is slowly driving me up the wall., and because they get us using skills that we tend to forget when all we’re doing is making 3d models.

Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of blogging, I just haven’t been able to think of anything to say and here’s a nice big 628 word on to make up for it.

There will be more to come as I do more 2d work on these one day projects and other things.



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Wednesday, 20 February 2008

A return to sanity.

Fine, after that bout of 30 odd hour lack of sleep insanity, I suppose I’d better post something sane.

But I can’t think of anything.

Hey look a Demonic Duck!

*Has run away*

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Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.

Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.
Too much hospital and not enough sleep make Joey go crazy.

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Tuesday, 12 February 2008


Does you likes my teeths?

I eat you.

Hi, yes, feeling intelligent this afternoon after my brains fried in the lab while I was working on an all day project. This one for a cariverous plant.
I love these 1 day projects, wmy 3d modelling skills have improved just a little by doing them and doing things we make up is fun and we need fun right now with this damnable Queens Project that seems to have taken over the classroom.

I like but it’s so damn hot that Tuesday afternoons we all feel like we’re baking.
Even when it’s cold outside or we have ALL the windows open.

Anyway, the one above was my plant project, last week we did a veichle and I managed to do two in one day.

And the week before that it was an animal. Do you like my pilot cat?

Don’t have much else to say as I’m still working on things.


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Saturday, 26 January 2008

I've Got a Jar of Dirt!

Damn thing!

It’s been stuck in my damn head all day and it doesn’t help that I was stupid enough to download the music which of course landed itself on my Ipod cause I’m bored.


I’ve got a jar of dirt!
I’ve got a jar of dirt!
I’ve got a jar of dirt!
And guess what’s inside it!


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Thursday, 24 January 2008

Blue Streak Speeds By… Formerly Musings of a Fire Breathing Girl Gamer

Another project, another name for my blog.

And yes, once again, I did make that banner myself.

I think that this time it will stick but then that’s what I thought about Musings of a Fire Breathing Girl Gamer and look how long that lasted and how many banners it went through…

Oh well, I suppose really that I should just be glad that I have time to think about names as I look through my concept work for the group project and think ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

No seriously, I was looking at my concepts and deciding on how they could be improved.

I leave a lot to be desired when it comes to my drawing skills, I know this already, but I’m quite pleased with how my concepts turned out.

There is a reason I’m a grunt and you all know it, so I don’t have to explain it but I like my group, our project is ambitious enough to hold our interest but not so insane we won’t get it done and our leader hasn’t had a falling out with any of our group members.

As regards to ripping apart pictures and saying what is good and what is bad about them in our blogs, I think that’s a good idea, in fact, once I’ve done a pic I’m happy to blog then I will do so.

I might just lay into my Christmas picture.

Na, I’ve done some concepts that I’ve blogged so I’ll lay into them I think.

They’re not great, I’ll be the first to admit that, ideas painted over a photo taken of the area we want to work on, but I suppose, if you want angles and things to be correct, (unless you’re Joel Pigou), you kind of need to do that.

Or at least I do...

Anyway, so I did these concepts for my group and now I look at the properly, I’m not sure I like them, and am contemplating doing more over the weekend because I really think that they can be imporved on by seeing what I can make more like the style we’re going for.

Gah, what a long blog and I’m not done yet...

In other matters, I no longer have a your computer does not have enough memory, *shuts down* problem as I bought myself a hard drive, a 500gb hard drive, yes, it is in fact 7.142857142857142857142857142857142857 (etc) bigger then my laptop’s memory so once everything is transfered over I won’t have to have my laptop throwing headfits quite as often.

On another note, I love LANMA more then ever after this week, but since Mike doesn’t want to know about anime suffice to say that I won one argument I didn’t think I was going to win AND I made the laptop crew look daft as they were all stood outside for twenty minutes and hadn’t checked the back door, which guess what?

Was unlocked.

Stupid people.


Anyway, I’m rounding up this blog with a grin and a realisation that I have to write a 3000 chpater by tomorrow and I haven’t even started yet.




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Hard wired for creativity?


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Tuesday, 22 January 2008

A music vid

A Fan made music vid with my favorite blue hedgehog.

I guess I'm feeling kinda tired and a bit annoyed at my inability to sleep, so I thought I'd find the music trailer I liked and would share it, so here it is.

Now I'm gunna go to sleep.



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First week of the group project and I think we're doing alright.

We seem to be organized and our idea seems sound and doable but I won't jinx it by saying that it's perfect right now cause we still have things to think about.

But the concepts look good so far.

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Monday, 7 January 2008

Welcome to 2008

Hehe, something I did quickly over Christmas while my laptop was playing at being a bit of a git and turning itself off.

Anyway, I'm back and as ready as I can be for assessment.

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