Monday, 29 October 2007

Sonic Joins The Brawl!!!!

The video I was trying to post a couple of wees ago.



Not that I'm excited at all...

Phoenix Wright - Boot to the Head

To the people of Second Year Game Art, I bequeth... A boot to the head!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

I'm the only one sane on the wreak - Week 2

Sorry, rip off from pantomime I went to see a couple of years ago, the line was I'm the only one saved from the wreak (or if you were the Dame, I'm the only wreak saved from the ship). Chosen as my title because I was the only sober one last night at the post-LANMA gathering at the pub.

The idea for the logo comes from something the guest lecturer was talking about, you remember? The suits of Gamers? Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades?

Hearts were social players, Clubs were PKers, Teamkillers and dipshits, Diamonds are the ones who play the game to win, whle the Spades are the game exploeres and sometimes (not nessesserily always), the ones who have to find ways of cheating and/or pushing the game to a new level to see what the can exploite.

Guess which two suits I belong to.

Also do you remember the phrase Aporia and Epiphany?

I love the face that Aporia means impass, and aporas, (which I made up and is my blog name) is Anne's page of running andd screaming....

Anyway, the task...

"Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts." - Wikipedia

Last week Mike showed us a lecture/speech/etc from Sir Ken Robertson on does creativity get educated out of us.

Suprisingly for a guy who works in education, his answer was in fact yes.

And I have to agree.

When we're in school, all teachers think about is the 'academic' classes, like Maths and English and the Sciences, Humanities, Languages and any other classes are volentary after SATS and you don't always get a choice which ones of those you want to do.

I remember being forced into taking French because I was in top set in the lower years and I really wanted to take Spanish.

And I remember my teachers being unimpressed by my choice to take ND Art and Design at college, they all thought I'd go into something like the sciences or geography.

But I chose Geography because for a long time I wanted to do Game Art as a career, but have a fall back on archeology (Preferably Egyptology). Something that fell apart later on down the line.
The only time in my school that art and music and drama was appricicated were the exhibitions, the school musicals, the Music Festival (Picked four out of five years and only not the fifth because I promised to do it with some others and wouldn't drop them to do it alone) but any other time, for you to go and skip an acedemic class to go to practise or rehearsls and well... can anyone else say shitty teacher alert?

The whole thing is, there are many forms of creativity.

I personally, am a big fan of singing and drawing. I can't dance to save my life but I love to sing, it doesn't matter where or when I am, I will sing along to anything. It's something that helps me think andrelax and just generally get things done better.

Others love to dance and can't stay still for more then two seconds, and instead of bing recognised as people who have to move to think, they're penalised and or sent to the doctor to be prescribed drugs...


Another thing is that creativity can be found in anything, I have friends who like the patterns in numbers, the written word is another one where creativity can flow.

I'm going back to music because it's a referance I know Mike and a couple of others have heard, but I've got a friend in America who is studying music in an American 'College'. Up until this point, she was always glared and shuted at for writting her own stuff, and she hated it, now she's able to play how and when she wants to, and she can't get enough. That's a classic example if ever I saw on, of creativity being drained from people.

I sometimes wonder if teachers in schools are jelous of students who are talented in a non acedemic field, because for those who aren't, a lot of work has to be done to keep up with the naturally talented students.

BTW I am now offical Podcaster for Game Art Guest Lectures. (Once I work out how to do it...) So I've spent most of the night converting the sound files from my recorder to MP3s, while reading and thinking about creativity. Gah.

Anyway, I'm sleepy and I don't have admin powers for the Podcast on the Blackboard so I'm going to have to work out where to put the files so I can podcast them.

But not until the morning when I've had some sleep.

Night guys.



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Thursday, 11 October 2007


This is what I was praying for, a chance to finally beat the bloody plumber with the hedgehog!
I am on cloud nine!

This is what I've been hoping for since I heard news of a new Smash Bros game since they include characters who have had more then one game for Nintendo systems and Sonic's been on the Gamecube and the Nintendo Wii.

Yes! Yes! YES!

Sorry, I'm just so excited that I can't help it.

Sonic's in Smash Bros.

I can't wait.

Now I know why Nintendo are taking so long to release it.

They're adding more charactors in.

And Sonic's one of them.
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Wednesday, 10 October 2007

All Alex's Interwebs Are Belong To Me

All Alex's Interwebs are belong to me!


I'm sat in my housemates room, writting this blog while under the influance of cider. I underestimated the potancy of the Old Rosie Cider that they served at the bar I went to after LANMA.

Leicester Anime and Manga Club is held in Leicester University in the theatres of one of the buildings.

We watched two animes, (subbed not dubbed) then had a half an hour break and then watch two that were voted for by the group. (Gunsling Cats, Ruin Explorers and then a break and then Rental Magica and Genshiken).

In the half an hour break, me and others watched as the guy in charge of the laptop made an idiot of himself attempting to play a ROM of a Neon Genisis Evangelion game from the N64.

I would like to point out that he sucked at it.

Also beware the lights that come on between episodes of animes. Because if you are caught unawares, you become one of the enmass group that goes "AHHH MY EYES!" as the room's lights come back on.

After the anime, we went to the pub and I underestimated the strength of the cider.

And now I'm here, writing this while pissed.

So I'll leave you here and think about going to bed.


PS Everything in the world needs more Catgirls.
PPS Everything in the world needs ALOT MORE catgirls.

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Monday, 8 October 2007


Why is this year so expensive?

Last week I broke my Nintendo DS and had to replace it (Yes, I did have to, I am lost without a DS), so I now have Pink DS Lite (Like people who know me didn't see that coming), and this week I've just forked out £315 pounds for a graphics tablet.

It's a Wacom Intuos3 A4 Tablet with Pen and Mouse and hopefully once I get used to it, I will be able to use it to do some proper computer art as opposed to trying to create pictures with a trackerball mouse which is what I'm using at the moment.


I want to win the lottery on Weds, and then money won't matter.


P.S. Before everything went wrong, I didn't win the Clow Cards I was winning in the auction, but I found a set that was in fact cheaper, and new that I brought instead.

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Friday, 5 October 2007

I still want! I still want! I still want! I still want!

I still want!

But now I actually have it preordered for 7/12/07.

I will get this Ra damned game!

Some people ask why I want it so much and part of it is because I am a great big Pokenerd.

The other part is that I am interested to see how they have modified the old poly models to suit the new consoles. Somehow I don't see the old N64 or Gamecube models fitting well into the Wii and it's possible level of realism.

Plus, having the new Pokemon to stare and drool at, I can't wait to see if they make the mistake they did with the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Pokemon which was to over simplfy the models, making them look overly cartoonish compaired to Red/Blue/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal.

Ok, about 70-80% of my rather powerful desire to own this game is that I'm a great big Pokenerd and want to see what they've done with the battles and how the internet battles will work.

Also I can't wait to start winning battles so that I can customise the basic Traier you get, clothes, hair, name :)

Set in "Poketopia," this game promises to return to the days of Stadium 1 and 2, which while some games mags think is a bad idea, I welcome it, as while I enjoyed Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, both for the Gamecube) the story modes would have been better had they not attempted to put a lame battle mode in on the same disc. I would welcome a new 3D Pokemon Adventure, but not if it ws at the expense of the gameplay of one or both modes.

Pokemon isn't a Children's game, at least not always. If you look at the stratagy, planning and thinking that needs to go into a Pokemon battle. A good Trainer will NEVER go into battle with only one type of Pokemon. It's stupid to say the least as even the strongest of the types have at least one weakness.

Plus, a dual type pokemon like say Charizard (Fire/Flying) or Dialga (Steel/Dragon) will have more advantages and disadvantages then a single type pokemon, e.g. Charmander (Fire) or Pikachu (Thunder), as such, while a team with a lot of Dual Types will hav an advantage over one without a lot, if you're not caeful it is possible to load your team with a disadvantage to a particular type. For example, if you have many Ground/Rock/Dragon/Grass types, your team will hve a disdvnatage to Ice and etc.

Plus, on top of the types, you have to think about your pokemon's stats. If a Pokemon has a higher attack, the Speical Attack, then you'd give it mores that were Physical Attack moves like Dragon Claw instead of Speical Attack moves like say, Ice Beam.

Added on that again, you have the moves that effect your pokemon's status, eg sleep, paralisis, poison etc.

And your pokemon's gender is also important is your pokemon's ability is Rivalry or the opponante knows Attract...

The stratagy behind the game, is the main reason I am still addicted to the game over ten years later, a long way from the days of Red/Blue/Yellow and the Indigo League.

Anyway, I guess I've gone off on one long enough.

I just thought I'd clarify why I'm so Pokemad.



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Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Cardcaptors, Gigadeath, Virtual Gods and Leeroy Jenkins.

(Clow Card pictures from

It's been a long time since I first watched Cardcaptors, and now, as I sat there on the weekend, considering cosplays and lookng through Ebay, I found a set of Clow Cards, plus book, for 99p.

What a steal...

So I signed up to Ebay and bid on them, deciding, because the auction still had four or five days to run, that I would set my maximum bid at the highest price I was willing to pay for a Cosplay accessory that wasn't brand new.

Now, with only one day let to run, I am winning at £11 pounds.

Is anyone suprised that out of the fifty-two, my favourates are The Fight and The Dark?

Ok on to talking about something course lelated as opposed to the stuff I've been writting about over the Summer. (Amecon was amazing but I have to talk about something else sometime)

The first week back and on Monday I honestly thought I was in trouble.

With the threat of twelve hours self directed study for Drawing looming, teamed with 3D classes, guest lectures and out of class time to work on oher such projects, I was seriously wondering if I would have to give up work.

However, I was stil able to enjoy most of Monday, even if I was a bit of a wreak at the end of the day, having been trying to contemptlate how I was going to survive, paying the bills, buying food, plus attempting to curb my impulse buys (I bought a Wii and a 360 in the space of a month, you all know how bad I am).

This is where the Gigadeath part of my title comes in. I understand that there could be a war over technology, in fact it wouldn't suprise me, but Hugo de Garis, the expert who used the term Gigadeath had us all in giggles.

The implications of the word itself is not funny, and people who are afriad of the implications of Technology can be extremly dangerous, as demonstrated by Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber.

"Theodore John Kaczynski (born May 22, 1942), also known as the Unabomber, is an American terrorist and social critic who carried out a campaign of mail bombings that killed three and wounded 23. He sent bombs to several universities and airlines from the late 1970s through early 1990s.

In his Industrial Society and Its Future (commonly called the "Unabomber Manifesto") he argued that his actions were a necessary (although extreme) tactic by which to attract attention to what he believed were the dangers of modern technology. The Unabomber was the target of one of the most expensive investigations in the FBI's history.

For his actions, Kaczynski was charged with numerous federal offenses stemming from his mail bombing campaign. In his April 24, 1995 letter to the New York Times, he promised "to desist from terrorism." To avoid the death penalty, Kaczynski entered into a plea agreement, under which he pled guilty and was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.

Kaczynski's moniker as the Unabomber developed as a result of an FBI codename. Before his real identity was known, the FBI used the handle "UNABOM" ("university and airline bomber"), which resulted in variants such as Unabomer, Unibomber, and Unabomber when the media started using the name."


From this you can see that fear of technology can be as dangerous as the technology itself sometimes.

However, coming back to Gigadeath, the funny side of it was that it sounded like a term you'd find in a game, and that Hugo de Garis actually managed to say it with a straight face.

It strange what you find funny sometimes...

Another term I've heard thrown around a lot in the last couple of days, is the term Virtual Gods.

Because of the way computer games are now, we're not just creating charcaters and backdrops and scenery for a game, we're creating an entire world.

We have a Godlike power to add and to take away from this world, and to decded how it looks, how things react, how the world interacts with our avatars... and as such we have a responcibility to make that world as acurrate in feel and in style as possible.

And if the boys are Virtual Gods, does that make us Female Game Art Students Virtual Godesses?

And finally who the hell put me on the case of Leeroy Jenkins?

I'm sure you World of Warcraft fans out there know who I'm talking about.


Hehe. Why do I see me doing that by accident at some point?


Doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it?

Anyway, on that thought, I'll leave you to get back to sanity.

Joey Anne Lawrence


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