Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Week 21 - Where do you want to go and how do you get there?

Since I'm doing my blogs in my lunch hour on a Tuesday since I can't trust my internet in my halls and I doubt I'll be in the mood to do my blogs once I get home for aforementioned reasons, This is last week's blog, week 21.

'What am I going to get out of University?'

As much as I want. I'm finally where I wanna be, doing what I want to do and I'm working pretty damn hard to make sure my work is in and complete and reasonably decent. Admittedly I'm having more trouble then most with the actual drawing side of the course, but then I always have. Computers love me and I like them back, paper and pens sit there and give me the patented Kaiba death glare until I get some form of work done though it's never as good as everyone elses.

Reflection of things is important as it's often on reflection that I find the fault in my mesh and work things out or can write what I need to. It helps my brain get going and allows me to work things out that I wouldn't before.

However it is on relfection that I've decided to do something slightly different.

I'm still going to do these blogs, as proper blogs and answer the questions on here. But because of my dyslexia I have trouble writting what I want to say, so, I've decided that I'm going to do video diaries on my Youtube account, OdetteSwan. There's a link to the page from here.

There aren't any up at the moment but by the time the guest lecturer comes in tomorrow, as long as the internet isn't down in my halls, there will be my first diary piece up hopefully.

We shall see...


Random quizes

I've been taking random quizes on my lunch break, on the 27/2/07.

Here's some results.

Pokémon Fan Test Results
You are a:
85% Gamer. You are an obsessed gamer!
80% Animé-freak. You have a burning interest in the Pokémon animé.
70% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have a burning interest in researching Pokémon.
75% Obsessed. Pokémon is one of the most important elements of your life.
40% Fan Worker. You have some interest in Pokémon fanwork.
70% Pokémon Fan. You have a burning interest in Pokémon.
What Will Happen After Your Death?

Choose Your Own Adventure from Quiz Galaxy!

... "You join the most awesome party in Hell for all eternity."

'What Will Happen After Your Death?'
Choose Your Own Adventure at QuizGalaxy.com

Highly Dangerous

Click Here to Find Out YOUR Psychiatric Evaluation

OK, done with the random stuff now.

Next blog.


Week 20 - Creativity Part 2

Ok, getting on with it.

This is the second and final half of this blog.

'What does creativity look like?' I have no idea. That's my honest responce. Creativity isn't in some brand identity, once that's been designed originally it's done, the creativity is in seeing how the series can be adapted and improved without trashing the whole series, and without losing some of what attracts the fans of the series, *cough*Final Fantasy X2*cough*

Creativity can be found in the storyline and in the graphics of a game, where people have had to think and design and gone with thier thoughts and feelings on the designs and things...

To me, Nintendo has a high level of creativity, as everytime they bring out next gen consoles, there's something new in the systems that wasn't there before. For example the Nintendo Wii's remote system and the Nintendo DS's touch screen. Also thier games graphics have been improving stedily and surely as thye've been going along.

As an author, my creativity is shown in my writting, with my latest piece, 1501 words long, came from a single fact I heard about Ash Ketchum's father being Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket. As an author, the reviews that I recieve show that people read what I write and that my creativity is apreciated.

As a Games Artist, I will show my creativity by hopefully creating great graphics for games. This will be acknowledged by gamers who review and talk about games in shops and on the internet, and though some of this feedback may not get back to me directly, that's how it will be acknowledged.


OK, Blog done...

I think.



WOW character

I took a quiz from one of my friend's blogs, to see what race and class my character would be if I made the fatal mistake of starting to play World of Warcraft. (It steals your soul!)


Here's the results...

Gnome Mage


Gnomes are strange little things. Fascinated with gadgets and shiny things, gnomes are often plotting and planning - but are pretty smart, despite all the explosions.

As a mage, you like blowing things up. Your favorite bit of technology is anything that goes, 'boom'. You live for that huge front-end KAPOW - but, after the dust has settled, you'll find yourself searching for something else to explode.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at QuizGalaxy.com

Monday, 26 February 2007


I am in no mood to blog tonight, after hearing the news that my Great Grandma passed away around 1pm today.

Please expect an unhappy and very short tempered Joey for the next week at least.

Thank you for your patience. I will be back to blogging for my coursework soon,


Tuesday, 20 February 2007


To take part in the growing phad, here's a picture of... a cat...

Friday, 16 February 2007

Week 20 - Creativity - Part 1

"The problem of creativity is beset with mysticism, confused definitions, value judgments, psychoanalytic admonitions, and the crushing weight of philosophical speculation dating from ancient times." Albert Rothenberg

This topic is a hard one and as such, and because we have been given several weeks to work on it, I have decided to take things a step at a time, and the first step, I've decided, is to look through the links given to us and make some decsions. As well as answer the first paragraph of questions.

Robin found this for me,

adj 1. having the ability to create
2. imaginative or inventive
> creativity n

She also sent me this: -
Robyn's idea of creative;
The rabid plot bunny that decided it would be a good idea to multiply, then attack.

I have to agree with the above statment, creativity is equal to rabid plot bunnies and pictures that want to be drawn and sit in your mind screaming at you until you do them, or models or sculptures that want to be made and give you the 'patented Kaiba Death-Glare' until you find some materials.

As both an author and an artist, creativity is a strong point for me, the only problem is getting it out. But how does one discribe creativity? You can give dictionary answers till the cows come home, it doesn't give your opinion on the matter.

For example, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity goes on at great length about explaining how creativity effects different medias and jobs and how to measure creativity but I don't really think that helps to make up your own mind.

I belive creativity is not hindered or enhanced by technical restraints, someone who really wants to see thier plans go through will find ways of working it so what they want to create can be achieved through alternate methods. For example, if you're working in clay and can't fit it all in the kiln as one piece, you do it as parts and find some way to join the pieces together later on.

As regards to who 'does' creativity, really anyone can, writers, artists, anyone who has an idea and can work on it, the art director helps the process along and gah! How do I explain it? Creativity isn't something people 'do' in the manner that most people mean when they say that, it's something that flows out of people and onto paper or into a computer, and it's something that you don't think about, it just happens.

So that's the first paragraph of questions answered, more to come later on...


Week 19 - Life Changing or Career Building?

I don't honestly know the answer to this blog.

It all seems to depend on where you look as to what people are looking for. For example on http://www.blizzard.com/jobopp/tips-gameartist.shtml they're not looking for fine art, but more for the sort of art you see in fantasy and sci-fi today. However other's, for example http://www.datascope.co.uk/jobs_games_artists.html, asks for 'experianced artists' with experiance in programs that we haven't even touched yet. Does it really make that much difference except one has been trained to the point that while thier art is great, they don't always enjoy it, and the others, thier art isn't such a high quality but they enjoy it more.

Huh, I guess I really don't get this blog at all.

But then some of the other's I've spoken to have found this one hards as well so...


Burninating BT

Guess what?

BT was the next to piss me off, so they're the next to get burninated. Though Nintendo was close after the second temple of Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess, when the hat's physics engine was done badly and looked like it didn't pay any attention to gravity.

BT are being burninated for not fixing our internet properly so it went down a week ago and only came back up today!

Charizard Joey using flamethrower, muahahahaha!

Right, now that's out the way, I can do my blogs.


Monday, 5 February 2007

Pictures say a thousand words...

This says it all really.

Copywrite Press Start to Play

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Silly Games

I've been thinking about games.

There are many different types.

However I think we all know what I'm talking about when I mention two or three particualr games.

1. What sane person has never heard of the why game?

Everyone knows it, it's a game where you see how many times you can ask why before the other person either goes away or trys to clobber you...

2. The Travelling Game.

Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?
Are we nearly there yet?

I think you get the idea.

3. The Game.

The aim of The Game is to forget you're playing The Game, if you remember you're playing The Game, you lose and you have to tell as many of the others who are playing The Game as possible so they all lose too. There is no way to win The Game because if you think 'I've won The Game,' then you've obviously lost because you've thought of it.


These are well known games, here's a few lesser ones invented in College.


4. Yawn Dominos.

You go to a place like a McDonalds or somewhere where people line up in queues. Then each player stands behind a different queue and yawns loudly, the winner is the person who make thier yawn go furthest down the line.

5. Coke Cola Russian Roulette.

A non-player shakes up a coke can and puts it in a circle of enough coke cans for one each including the shaken up one. You take it in turns to choose cans until someone gets the fizzy one and loses... (Normally resulting in Cola all over them). You then repeate until there's only one person left in, and they win.


I think, that as I think of new games like these, I will edit this post and add them.

But these will o for now.

